All the fancy cameras in the world could not capture the beauty of this spot...But of course, I tried :)
The green plant in the foreground is pickleweed.
Leaving a sprinkler running for too long can create a "wetland" anywhere...
The Milo Tree has heart-shaped leaves.
In the middle of the photograph are two gentlemen, waist-deep in the ocean, fishing.
In the distance, the hotels of Waikiki and Diamondhead Crater.
This rock looked like a dragon head to me. See the nostrils?
The best spot ever...a secluded beach ;)
A look back at the Wetland
I've been watering all of the newly planted native plants for the past year and most are doing fine. However there is some contractor who is weed wacking the newly planted Pili grass right in front of the display shelter next to the HIANG communications building. I put up signs not to cut it, but yesterday it was shredded again. What can be done to stop this stupid activity?