Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday May 21, 2008

more thoughts
Current mood: contemplative
Ever have so many thoughts running through your head you don't really know where to start? I do. Often.
David Cook RULES!
I'm gonna miss Rados. It's quirky. It fits me. It's annoying and frustrating and challenging, but everyday something makes me laugh so hard I can't breath. EVERY day. Like the day I told David that a cocaine habit would cure his sinus problems. Or today when I convinced the CFO that I can teleport and then proceeded to fight with him about the merits of a 10-sack of White Castle cheeseburgers. Or the time I almost kicked my sandal into the President's head...Seriously. Funny shit. I might even miss Brad. Probly not. But I might.
I am excited to "start fresh" in San Diego. Me, Chris, Brytin, new home, new job, and hopefully I'll get back my sunny disposition. (insert dimply smile here) I just don't like change. I used to welcome God's curve balls with open arms. Now, not so much. I don't know if it's age or if it's because I love my life right now, but whatever it is, I need to get over it. Change is inevitable (especially as a MilSpouse).
Did you know that I've completed seven years of Bible Study Fellowship? This year the study was the book of Matthew. Our last night of the year, we have what's called "Share Night," where women can stand in front of the crowd and publicly praise God for whatever He did the last nine months. In sitting through this hokey evening, I FINALLY heard what God needed me to learn this year. I missed it ALL year, but finally, I think I got it. Ready?
"I can trust in God's perfect timing."
I know, I know, it's not earth-shattering, BUT it is exactly what I should have learned from Matthew's version of the events of Jesus' life. All year, I tried to trust God, but I couldn't. It was too big of a step for me. I trusted Him once, and I got kicked in the teeth. I have been sinfully reluctant to even consider trying it again. But trusting in His TIMING is feasible. I'm not trying to "pick and chose parts of the Bible." I'm just saying that trusting His timing is a great baby step in the right direction.
I can trust that Chris got orders to San Diego in His perfect timing. I can trust that Chris isn't going to Hawaii this summer because God knew we'd be moving this summer. I can trust that Creekside is kicking us out of our apartment in His perfect timing. I can trust that our housing will be lined up in His perfect timing (any minute now, God, would be ideal). I can trust that I will complete my job with Rados and find a new job in His perfect timing. You see? Trusting His timing is something tangible I can latch onto. The general idea of putting my complete trust in Him wasn't something my mind could incorporate into my daily life. But, from this point forward, with prayer and diligence, I will trust in God's perfect timing.
Mike won't be home for a long time yet :( But when he gets here, I'm gonna give him a HUGE hug!
Brytin will be staying with us this weekend and next. Yeah! Hopefully there is no ear-slicing this time. Joey will be VERY happy to have Chris and Brytin here the day after next.
I guess that's about it for now...Thanks for listening :)

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